Kei Matsushima, Takayuki Yamada
"Non-Bloch band theory for time-modulated discrete mechanical systems"
Journal of Sound and Vibration 595
, p. 118757, 2025
松島慶, 山田崇恭, 飯盛浩司
計算数理工学論文集, 第24巻, pp. 107-113, 計算数理工学会, 2024
Hiroaki Deguchi, Kei Matsushima, Takayuki Yamada
"Observation of exceptional points in a spherical open elastic system"
Daichi Akamatsu, Kei Matsushima, Takayuki Yamada
"Optimal design of cavity-free mechanical metamaterials exhibiting negative thermal expansion"
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 283 (1)
, p. 109693, 2024
Masaki Noda, Kei Matsushima, Takayuki Yamada
"Orientation optimization via topological derivatives in combination with multi-material topology optimization based on extended level set method"
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 418, p. 116585, 2024
松島慶, 山田崇恭
計算数理工学論文集, 第23巻, pp. 21-28, 計算数理工学会, 2023
Yukun Feng, Masaki Noda, Yuki Noguchi, Kei Matsushima, Takayuki Yamada
"Multi-material topology optimization for additive manufacturing considering dimensional constraints"
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 410, p. 116027, 2023
Kei Matsushima, Yuki Noguchi, Takayuki Yamada
"Exceptional points in cylindrical elastic media with radiation loss"
Physical Review B 107, No. 14, p. 144104, 2023
Masaki Noda, Kei Matsushima, Takayuki Yamada
"Topology optimization algorithm using two-point topological derivative"
計算数理工学論文集, 第22巻, pp. 155-161, 計算数理工学会, 2022
野口悠暉, 松島慶, 山田崇恭
計算数理工学論文集, 第22巻, pp. 123-130, 計算数理工学会, 2022
松島慶, 野口悠暉, 山田崇恭
計算数理工学論文集, 第22巻, pp. 73-80, 計算数理工学会, 2022
Yuki Noguchi, Takashi Yamamoto, Kei Matsushima, Takayuki Yamada
"Labyrinthine acoustic metamaterials with a subwavelength bandgap inspired by topology-optimized structural design"
Advanced Engineering Materials 25, p. 2201104 (10 pages), 2023
Makoto Nakagawa, Yuki Noguchi, Kei Matsushima, Takayuki Yamada
"Level set-based multiscale topology optimization for a thermal cloak design problem using the homogenization method"
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 207, p. 123964, 2023
Daichi Akamatsu, Yuki Noguchi, Kei Matsushima, Yuji Sato, Jun Yanagimoto, Takayuki Yamada
"Two-phase topology optimization for metamaterials with negative Poisson’s ratio"
Composite Structures 311, p. 116800, 2023
Naoki Murai, Yuki Noguchi, Kei Matsushima, Takayuki Yamada
"Multiscale topology optimization of electromagnetic metamaterials using a high-contrast homogenization method"
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 403, p. 115728, 2023
Kaiwen Guan, Kei Matsushima, Yuki Noguchi, Takayuki Yamada
"Topology optimization for rarefied gas flow problems using density method and adjoint IP-DSMC"
Journal of Computational Physics 474, p. 111788, 2023
Kei Matsushima, Yuki Noguchi, Takayuki Yamada
"Unidirectional invisibility in a PT-symmetric structure designed by topology optimization"
Optics Letters 47(13), pp. 3315-3318, 2022
太田悠誠, 野口悠暉, 松島慶, 山田崇恭
日本計算工学会論文集 2022, p. 20220014, 2022
Ryoma Hirosawa, Masaki Noda, Kei Matsushima, Yuki Noguchi, Takayuki Yamada
"Multicomponent topology optimization method considering stepwise linear assemblability with a fictitious physical model"
Computer-Aided Design 166, p. 103628, 2024
Kei Matsushima, Yuki Noguchi, Takayuki Yamada
"Omnidirectional acoustic cloaking against airborne sound realized by a locally resonant sonic material"
Scientific Reports 12, p. 16383, 2022
Yuki Noguchi, Kei Matsushima, Takayuki Yamada
"Level set-based topology optimization for the design of labyrinthine acoustic metamaterials"
Materials & Design 219, p. 110832 (13 pages), 2022
Kei Matsushima, Hiroshi Isakari, Toru Takahashi, Toshiro Matsumoto
"A topology optimization of open acoustic waveguides based on a scattering matrix method"
Wave Motion 113, p. 102987, 2022
Kei Matsushima, Hiroshi Isakari, Toru Takahashi, Toshiro Matsumoto
"A numerical method for elastic wave scattering in multi-layered periodic media based on the scattering matrix and BEM"
Mechanical Engineering Journal 8(1), pp. 20-00364, 2021
Kei Matsushima, Hiroshi Isakari, Toru Takahashi, Toshiro Matsumoto
"A topology optimisation of composite elastic metamaterial slabs based on the manipulation of far-field behaviours"
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 63, pp.231-243, 2021
Peijun Tang, Kei Matsushima, Hiroshi Isakari, Toru Takahashi, Toshiro Matsumoto
"An adjoint variable method for the topological derivative of the tangent derivative of boundary data"
計算数理工学論文集, 第20巻, pp. 111-117, 計算数理工学会, 2020
Peijun Tang, Toshiro Matsumoto, Kei Matsushima, Hiroshi Isakari, Toru Takahashi
"Non-standard adjoint problem in topology optimization using BEM in time harmonic elastodynamics"
計算数理工学論文集, 第20巻, pp. 41-52, 計算数理工学会, 2020
Kei Matsushima, Hiroshi Isakari, Toru Takahashi, Toshiro Matsumoto
"An investigation of eigenfrequencies of boundary integral equations and the Burton-Miller formulation in two-dimensional elastodynamics"
International Journal of Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements 6(6), pp. 1127-1137, 2018
Kei Matsushima, Hiroshi Isakari, Toru Takahashi, Toshiro Matsumoto
"An application of topology optimisation to defect identification in two-dimensional elastodynamics with the BEM and H-matrix method"
International Journal of Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements 6(6), pp. 1033-1042, 2018
Kei Matsushima, Takayuki Yamada
"Identification of non-Hermitian degeneracy in acoustic scattering systems using boundary integral equations"
Symposium of the International Association for Boundary Element Methods (IABEM 2024), The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Hong Kong, 2024年12月4–6日
Kei Matsushima, Takayuki Yamada
"Wave tailoring in non-Hermitian systems with structural optimization"
IWACOM-IV, Kitakyushu International Conference Center, 2024年9月18–20日
Kei Matsushima, Luke Bennetts, Malte Peter
"Rayleigh-Bloch waves supported by sound-hard non-circular obstacles above the cut-off"
The 16th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation (WAVES 2024), Harnack house, Berlin, Germany, 2024年6月30–7月5日
Hiroaki Deguchi, Kei Matsushima, Takayuki Yamada
"Identification of exceptional points in a spherical open elastic system based on a recursive algorithm"
The 16th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation (WAVES 2024), Harnack house, Berlin, Germany, 2024年6月30–7月5日
Kei Matsushima, Takayuki Yamada
"Non-Hermitian degeneracy in two-dimensional open elastic systems with higher-order exceptional points"
The 16th World Congress on Computational Mechanics and 4th Pan American Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM-PANACM 2024), Vancouver Convention Centre, Vancouver, Canada, 2024年7月21–7月26日
Kei Matsushima, Takayuki Yamada
"A numerical method for shape optimization based on the Hilbertian regularization with boundary integral formulation"
The Asian Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 2024 (ACSMO 2024), Zhengzhou, China, 2024年5月19–5月23日
Kei Matsushima, Luke Bennetts, Malte Peter
"On Rayleigh-Bloch waves swapping between physical and unphysical Riemann sheets"
KOZWaves 2024, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand, 2024年1月31–2月2日
Kei Matsushima, Takayuki Yamada
"Designing large-scale acoustic scattering systems using structural optimization and multiple scattering theory"
ICIAM2023, Tokyo, 2023年8月20–25日
Kosuke Kita, Tomoyuki Oka, Kei Matsushima
"Homogenization problem with nonlinear boundary conditions and its applications to optimal design problems" (invited)
The 13th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications, Wilmington, NC USA, 2023年5月31日–6月4日
官凱文, 野口悠暉, 松島慶, 山田崇恭
"Topology optimization of channels for rarefied gas flows using direct simulation Monte-Carlo method"
第32回設計工学‧システム部門講演会, 岡山県立大学, 総社市, 2022年9月20-22日
Yuki Noguchi, Yusei Ohta, Kei Matsushima, Takayuki Yamada
"Topology optimization for acoustic structures without floating components"
ASME 2022 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE2022), Columbus, Ohio, USA, 2022年10月30-11月3日
Masaki Noda, Kei Matsushima, Yuki Noguchi, Takayuki Yamada
"Domain segmentation optimization of multiple anisotropic materials with varying orientation angles using a topology optimization based on the extended level set method"
ASME 2022 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE2022), Columbus, Ohio, USA, 2022年10月30-11月3日
Kei Matsushima, Yuki Noguchi, Takayuki Yamada
"A coupled-mode theory for exterior scattering problems based on a non-orthogonal modal expansion"
WCCM-APCOM 2022, Yokohama, 2022年7月31-8月5日
Naoki Murai, Yuki Noguchi, Kei Matsushima, Takayuki Yamada
"Multiscale topology optimization for the design of electromagnetic metamaterials"
ACSMO2022, Matsue, 2022年5月22-26日
Masaki Noda, Yuki Noguchi, Kei Matsushima, Takayuki Yamada
"A study on adjusting geometric complexity in multiple material topology optimization method based on extended level set method"
ACSMO2022, Matsue, 2022年5月22-26日
Kota Sakai, Yuki Noguchi, Kei Matsushima, Takayuki Yamada
"A study of PDE-based formulation of the local thickness constraint for sensitivity analysis"
ACSMO2022, Matsue, 2022年5月22-26日
Yuki Noguchi, Kei Matsushima, Takayuki Yamada
"Topology optimization for labyrinthine acoustic metamaterials with a negative refractive index"
ACSMO2022, Matsue, 2022年5月22-26日
Kei Matsushima, Yuki Noguchi, Takayuki Yamada
"Design of an omnidirectional acoustic cloaking device based on a multiple scattering theory"
ACSMO2022, Matsue, 2022年5月22-26日
Kei Matsushima, Hiroshi Isakari, Toru Takahashi, Toshiro Matsumoto
"A topology optimisation in large-scale multi-particle systems based on the scattering matrix method"
WCSMO-14, online, 2021年6月13-18日
Kei Matsushima, Hiroshi Isakari, Toru Takahashi, Toshiro Matsumoto
"A multiple scattering analysis based on the scattering matrix and a fast direct BEM" (keynote)
Asian Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics, Taipei, 2019年12月18-21日
Kei Matsushima, Hiroshi Isakari, Toru Takahashi, Toshiro Matsumoto
"A numerical method for computing the scattering matrix by the boundary element method with applications to phononic band analysis"
The 13th International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena, Roma, 2019年9月16-21日
Kei Matsushima, Hiroshi Isakari, Toru Takahashi, Toshiro Matsumoto
"A topology optimisation of elastic metamaterials exhibiting negative refraction with the boundary element method"
13th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, National Convention Center, Beijing, 2019年5月20-24日
Kei Matsushima, Hiroshi Isakari, Toru Takahashi, Toshiro Matsumoto
"A topology optimisation of elastic wave absorber with the BEM and H-matrix method"
IABEM 2018, University Pierre and Marie CURIE, Paris, 2018年6月26-28日
Kei Matsushima, Hiroshi Isakari, Toru Takahashi, Toshiro Matsumoto
"An application of topology optimisation to defect identification in two-dimensional elastodynamics with the BEM and H-matrix method"
BEM/MRM 40, Balmer Lawn Hotel, New Forest (UK), 2017年9月12日-14日
Kei Matsushima, Hiroshi Isakari, Toru Takahashi, Toshiro Matsumoto
"An investigation of eigenfrequencies of boundary integral equations and the Burton-Miller formulation in two-dimensional elastodynamics"
BEM/MRM 40, Balmer Lawn Hotel, New Forest (UK), 2017年9月12日-14日